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Snippets API

The Snippets API serves pre-styled HTML components, allowing you to pipe D&D content directly into your web pages, without writing much code.

Snippets are the perfect solution if you want to embed D&D content such as spell cards, monster stat blocks, or magic item info into a document such as a blog post, a DM screen, or even in your campaign notes in an app like Obsidian. The Snippets API provides a number of options for styling, with a range of built-in themes or options for you to bring your own styles. However, if want to build something more bespoke, or need to work with the data programmatically, consider using the GraphQL API instead.

Getting Started

You can use the Snippets Demo page to explore what kind of snippets are available, and the various options which are available to customise them, but here's a quick rundown:

Basic Usage

All snippets can be fetched by making HTTP GET requests to{snippet-type}/{id}, where {snippet-type} is a string identifying the kind of snippet you want, such as spell-card or statblock, and {id} is the unique identifier of the entity (e.g. the spell or monster) that you want to fetch.

  • Output
  • Source

Query Parameters

The style of a snippet can be customised using query parameters. These are variables appended to the end of the request URL, after a ? symbol. The available parameters are listed in the table below.

cssMode"bem" | "tw""bem"

Determines the method used to style the snippet. Using "bem", snippets will use BEM-style class names to annotate the returned HTML, and will include the necessary CSS to apply your chosen theme.

Using "tw", the snippet use TailwindCSS utility classes to apply the theme. Note: Snippets do not include the necessary TailwindCSS scripts or CSS for the snippet to be rendered correctly. You must provide the tailwind classes yourself.


Determines which theme to apply to the snippet. See the Themes page for a list of themes.

Use "none" if you wish to provide your own styles. This is best combined with cssMode=bem, to simplify the selectors needed to target the snippet's elements in your custom CSS.


Indicates whether <link> tags linking the stylesheets for the chosen theme should be included in the snippet. If set to false, the stylesheet must be included elsewhere in your document for snippets to be themed correctly.

This parameter is ignored if cssMode=tw, as stylesheets are never included in the snippet when using TailwindCSS.

expressions"raw" | "text" | "html" | "interactive"html

Determines how expressions embedded in text fields should be evaluated. Expressions include things dice notation and references to other data items.

  • "raw": provide the unevaluated expressions, e.g. %{dice 1d4}
  • "text": provide a text representation of the evaluated expression, e.g. 1d4
  • "html": provide an HTML representation of the value, e.g. <span class="fivee__dice">1d4</span>
  • "interactive": coming soon


Themed Snippets

The "default-dark" theme is a dark variant of the default theme.

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The "book" theme is reminiscent of real D&D source books.

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Notice that setting expressions=text means that expressions (such as the dice notation here) are rendered as plain text, so they cannot be styled differently to the surrounding text.

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Setting expressions=raw tells the API not to render the expressions. This might be useful if you want to write your own parser to handle expressions.

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Using TailwindCSS

Setting the cssMode parameter to "tw" prompts the API to use TailwindCSS utility classes instead of sending CSS to theme the components.

Note: You must provide the TailwindCSS stylesheets/tooling, as well as any fonts or other assets that aren't included in the snippet in order for the output to be rendered correctly.

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